Monday, July 14, 2008

Aah, a little sunshine.

I have calmed down since my first entry. I've done a little editing and I'm still trying to figure out what possessed me to start a blog, but why not?

I had a very enjoyable weekend with my kids. We spent time at a nature center I do volunteer work for. Watched a couple movies in the evenings. Visited a close friend and her family, and then just lazed about on Sunday. That's the kind of thing summer is for, isn't it?

And now, the week has begun with the sun shining. The temperatures are cool. The grass is green. The garden is beckoning. (So are the weeds.) The cicadas are starting to chat outside and make think about lazy childhood summer days. Memories made and the memories to come. I'm going to go out and enjoy the day in my garden!


kklutzke said...

Well, hello there! I've added your blog to my RSS feed. It sounds like you're doing well. :-)

Anonymous said...

I've added your blog to my RSS feed too.