Thursday, January 8, 2009

A New Beginning

Okay. I didn't get strap-on skates from Santa, but I did get Yak-Trax from my good ol' mom and dad! Thank you so very much!!! (Nothing like having chains for your sneakers even if ya ain't got 'em on your car. Yep.) I even had a chance to road test them earlier this week when all the newsy people were freaking out about our 3rd ice storm this season. (It was hardly worth putting them on, but ya gotta try 'em to know if you are gonna like 'em!) It was hardly ice. Just a super light glaze. You could get more glaze on a Krispy Kreme donut. Pu-lease! But the Trax they worked very nicely--just do not try them on dry concrete indoors as it is very easy to do a 'Bambi maneuver'.

The holidays were pretty good. Very exhausting. If they lasted any longer this year, I would have been dead. Thank goodness for some small mercies.

I am thrilled to say the children are all back in school and getting reacquainted with their routines. (So am I!!) I feel a little more peace settling over my soul with the increased serenity at home. Too much togetherness makes me nuts.

Also in the makes me nuts category...too much coffee (lol) and too many projects due all at once. I have 99.9% (to infinity) done on my children's garden design project. It looks great on paper and will be a pain to layout in reality. (I have not done this project by half measures.) Dream big was the theme. Unfortunately, I was really disappointed that my MG meeting was canceled this week due to icy weather. I had really psyched myself up to sell the ideas to the group. Now I have no idea when I will have to present this project plan. (Note the pout.)

I am trying to get myself organized this year, as I expect it will be very busy on many different fronts. I have committed myself to continue some volunteer efforts I began last year and I have added two or three new ones this year to the list. I am also continuing to commit myself to greater completion of home improvement projects in the coming year, old crafty projects and generally trying to tie up whatever loose ends I come across. I would like to re-add a fitness component to my resolutions this year, as I was sadly very lax in the last two years.

Man this seems like a lot! (I know I will probably add to it some more.) I hope these resolutions don't go the way of most and wind up as just guilty failures. It would seem pretty awesome if they didn't and I actually managed to do it all. Wow. Just imagine that.


Anonymous said...

I got some YakTrax too! I should have tried them on Tuesday, but didn't want to deal with it. Then on Wednesday when it was really icy in Carmel, I put them on while I rode the bus, stepped out onto the downtown sidewalk, and... nothing. The sidewalks were bone dry. :)

I hope I get a chance to use them next week, because after that I probably won't be working downtown. (I really need to blog about that.)

Scott STARKEY said...

Please forgive me if I call YakTrax, "Yekrats".