Thursday, May 14, 2009

Coming along...

The Children's Garden project had a pretty good week of work from me. Moved soil for about 5 hours total and I'm beginning to see it taking shape. I also had a productive meeting with a fellow gardener interested in making arbors, fence and a building for the garden. Very nice.

My youngest daughter finally got accepted into a gifted and talented program at her school, so I'm much more hopeful that she will learn more next year. This past year she was bored more than 75% of the time. So maybe I won't have to home school her this coming year. ;-)

My eldest had a wonderful band concert last night and she and her group sounded much improved--even though the last concert was in March!

I'm so proud of both of my girls! We all seem to be coming along nicely with our projects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Lily! And great job, Evie!