Friday, February 27, 2009


Where have all the girls scout cookies gone...seems like only yesterday there were 7 boxes in the kitchen and now there are only two (and a half).


Monday, February 23, 2009

More Kudos and rejoicing

Today I attended a master gardener association executive board meeting, with the Children's Garden Plan and budget proposal in tow. (The items I have been laboring on this past week.) I presented to the board the design, its purpose and the ballpark figures necessary to complete the project as a whole and...I was actually pleasantly surprised that they decided with enthusiasm to give me money to move the project forward. The paltry sum I had been hoping for in the back of my mind was blown away. I think I was slack-jawed there for a moment or two. Wow. They gave me nearly a third of the total costs. Wow. And in this economy. Triple wow.

So the upshot of this is, the project can get started this spring! And it also means I need to apply for a grant for another part of the funds. Luckily, the Pres. of the Association is more than willing to help me do this--and she has someone experienced in writing grants to give us advice on how to proceed.

So all good. I still can't believe that they like it as much as they say they do. Maybe I don't believe it because it hasn't fully sunk in what it all will mean. This is a huge project. (Slightly under 1/4 acre.) Wild.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kudos Deserved!

I just found out a little while ago that my eldest daughter placed 3rd in Meteorology at the Regional Science Olympiad, AND that her school placed second. SOO...they are going to the State Science Olympiad Competition next month. Whoo-pah!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Garden Crazy

Bwah!! I'm happy. I'm excited. I'm flattered. I'm stressed. I have one week to finish my budget proposal for the new childrens' garden plan and then I have to present it to the Board at an executive meeting. I'm off into unchartered waters. If all goes well the president of our group wants to apply for a grant for the money. (This same president thinks my plan is "terrific!") This is wild.

No worries. No pressure. I'm just a volunteer. Everybody likes a good volunteer, right?

My new mantra: I will not be stressed; I will not be stressed; I will not be stressed. Maybe I'll even convince myself before next Monday. You think?!?


As usual I've been keeping myself moderately busy, but not always with the most important things. For example...I have been spending (Ah-hem, wasting) time on FB. Unbelievable, yet true. This is not to say that I am completely lost. I have managed to maintain the laundry and dish chain. I also have managed to read approximately one dozen books (not all of those were frivolous fiction) in the last two months. Part of me would like to think that my patronage of the county library system is helping to keep a few people gainfully employed--that's ego for you.

Through the usual course of events, I was thrilled to become a Master gardener and five minutes later become an Advanced master gardener--thanks to procedural and paper lag. The end result is still the same and I am still pleased. Also along these lines...

I am pleased and fretful about the children's garden plans. I received a green light to move forward making the initial plans, garnered some support and enthusiasm from fellow gardeners, and now have to figure out the nitty gritty budget to present to the "executive board". This is a bit intimidating as I was not expecting to do this part at this stage and without any other obvious support/help. It's one of those situations where you have to ask the obvious question "How did I get into this mess in the first place?" The obvious answer then is "I jumped without looking." (Head thump.) I'll work it out. I hope.

While the garden outside has lain sleeping, I have not been idle. Mentally, I have been growing, pruning and finding a path back to myself. I know a few would ask---where have you been? It's complicated, but I think that finally I am coming out of my mourning. I told a very special friend that I feel I am coming back to myself. The fact that she said she had noticed my 'coming and going' fills me with both sadness and joy. Sadness because I will never fully know how my mourning affected those closest to me. Joy because I have such a wonderful a caring friend still there after I've come out of the rain.